Monday 27 July 2009

I Am So Much More

(8) I am so much more.. Than this dirty whore you see in me
You are just the same.. But you never blame yourself for anything
Darling, I told you once before.. That I'm a sinner (sinner)
Darling, I told you once before.. That I'm a liar, cheater, not a friend
Oh those who live to love.. You are just the same (8)

I am so much more..
than an object.
I am so much more.. than a girl.
I am so much more.. than a friend.
I am so much more.. than a sister.
I am so much more.. than a daughter.
I am so much more.. than a blog.
I am so much more.. than a lover.
I am so much more.. than a liar.
I am so much more.. than a label.
I am so much more.. than a fake.

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