Wednesday 22 July 2009

100 Blogs About Nothing.

(8) You said that.. Twice now..
Incase I didn't hear..
I've heard it.. And I don't care..
I thought that might be clear.. (8)

So this is my 100th blog post. 100 blogs about basically nothing.

I've grown up alot since my first blog, I can say that truthfully. So much has happened..

So much that i've documented and shared with utter strangers.. everything i've felt and got off my chest..
For letting me do so, and reading all the stupid things I write about, I thank you :)

There's so many things I want to delete here, blogs that I wrote when I was so angry and upset, and those ones where I was deliriously happy.. But I won't delete them, It's how I felt at the time, and I should be proud that I spoke the truth..

There's so much I still want to do, So much i've never experienced..

Like sleeping under the stars, nothing to protect or cover..
Going away to a totally different place with friends, where we can be changed people, reinvented..
Watching the sunset on a beach or on some random mountain, even if it's freezing cold..
Jumping into a lake fully clothed on an impulse..
Going to a festival and not caring how messed up everyone would look..
Or falling completely and irrevocably in love...

But it's ok....

I have time

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