Monday 2 February 2009

Jobs And Birthdayness

I'm sitting in my mums work. Boredom right now.

I just went looking for a job in the chemist, but randalstown is so shitty for jobs. Like i've mentioned before, there aren't many places to choose from. And most of the places are chippys of chineses. And clearly i'm not gonna have that smell in my hair afterwards. That shit doesn't come out you know?

Trying to sort out my birthday. I think i'm just gonna go to like dinner or something with my girls and then go out on the friday for drinks at the ramble inn again =/ not sures just yet. And terry asked me to go to something aswell which is feckinnng shweeet coz its both our birthdays around the same time (hes 17 on the 5th, i'm 16 on the 9th).

I asked the dude if he wanted to come to whatever i'm doing and he didn't text back. Predictable much? I totally didn't see that one comeing like. Rolls eyes.

Actually I fully don't blame him for not texting me sometimes. I end up argueing with him for no reason whatsoever Lmao. (I don't really know why, it's probably because I never get to bring anything important up when we're together. Theres no fucking time. I HATE it..) But bless him like. I'm not the easiest person to put up with. Actually i've only ever had one person able to handle me, he was a fucking legend. But also a prick (try to remember that >.<)

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