Saturday 3 October 2009

Legend Lifetimes.

(8) Don't you shiver
Sing it loud and clear
I'll always be waiting for you (8)

Life is so awesome right now.. whoa's.
Like i had such a shitty time last weekend.. i'm still recovering.
I still feel shit about it.
But not as much now.
But recently things seem pretty good =/
I'm happy, i'm pleased..
I'm.... satisfied..

Went to Belfast again today, was pretty ace.

First of all, I met this dude James when i was getting on the bus, and he just like dumped a tent on the road and got back on the bus and i was like = dude.. and he waved me up to the back where he was sitting with his two mates and like halfway through the bus drive i realised they both had tails.

No joke.


And he was talking about 'Furries' and he goes 'but you don't know what furries are' and i was like... "erm.. actually man, i do" and for the first time he actually looked embarrassed, but then was strangely impressed that i knew this. Anyone who does not know what furries are should like.. check that out paha. Was gonna get a pic up here but like.. can't do it :
When they got off the bus they kept their tails on. Bus driver got wacked up the face by james' tail and like his expression was priceless :L

Met up with Roisin and just slummed it out. I got a new skirt :) I really like it, even though it's see-through so i'm just always gonna have to wear stuff under..

This guy tried to get us to go to this gig, and had like a band member on hand to tell us how good they are. I thought that was pretty funny like.. it's like he had nothing better to do than wander the streets trying to convince people to listen to him. And his mate was like "if you two aren't there i'm personally going to hunt ya's down" and we were like TOPSHOP and sprinted.

What else.. Got the bus and my mate was there, so it was good to have someone to talk to.. But it was wierd aswell, like with the history we have etc.. and he's fully on the rebound, even though he tries to deny it.. it was wierd. I stole his hat which was funny. That is a good hat. My life's mission is to have that hat.

So apart from Rois trying to copy me today ("i think i'm gonna get glasses like yours.." "how do you put your hair up like that?") hahaha by the end of the day it was a joke like, she's awesomee :)

Oh and he made me waffles. I love him.

Quote of the day-

"Remember we used to play this? where the FUCK is he now?"
-Roisin on the where's wally? book we found in urban outfitters

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