Sunday 14 June 2009

Yo Yo Yiggity Yo!

(8) She hates that we dont spend much time
We barely see each other at all
She dont even nag me 'bout always working
She just says i just wish every now and then that you’d call
Why does she stay with me....
She’s in love.....
She’s in love.....
She’s in love (8)
Was paintin kids faces yesterday for work... dieee. I hate children sometimes. Naomi dropped her man so I found someone new for her to text.. Matchmakkkerrrr. She's more dead on than I thought. First impressions aren't always correct.

Stayed at Aine's last night Fun Times! She's actually so funny.. We went into some random field where we heard the Blair Witch that time, it was cool there was all these rock formations and we got shit scared and tried to scale the fence but it shocked me and I practically rugby tackled her so she wouldn't get shocked aswell.

Electric fences aren't fun.

My whole week has been a bit awesome, even though I haven't done much. I feel old. It's like I enjoy staying in so much more now, I have way more fun just chillin than going out and getting blocked it feel so utterly stupid sometimes. Had enough to be honest.

Here's some pictures that have made the past while up for me.
Btw, shamelessly took inspiration from Aaron KD Bourn. Check his blog out (: >>>>

Done Homies (:

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