Tuesday 9 November 2010

i can't work out whether i'm happy or sad.

i know i say this kind of thing alot. like "this made me really happy!" or "i feel sad" but it sort of makes everything real for me.

this time i dont know. me and cute boy just went to get his tux and it felt new and awesome. then i had like an hour to kill so we went round to his house and chilled. but he got really quiet or something. and i talked to his mom and stuff. it was normal.

i feel like he might just be another "empty vessel to project my desires upon"

i don't know. i'm kind of scared.


Alga Coho said...

i dont know if this helps but you can't base every emotion on one time, like see him a few more times i think? that's what i'd do.

hugsforthegorgeousDaryl <3

DariFace said...

yeah but i don't want to get into things though, i wanna be single for a while. i definately don't want another boyfriend for a long long time. but he's gonna be put into the "just friends" box pretty soon. hmm.

you always make me smile, theverycuteandhandsomedaniel. :) i can't wait to come and see you. :) xx