Friday 12 November 2010

"and it was like you dropped in from space and i was like"

that's what Cute Boy said to me just before i left today.

he also told me how much he liked me. and it was super wierding me out.

not that i don't think he's a nice guy, he's lovely. but i don't want anything at all. NOT NOW.

he seems new to everything. i don't know. i don't really wanna know.

ohwell. prom next week. should be good, whoopah.

and even though i'm very happy, i think imma do another Therapy Session. they seem to be helping.


shannie said...

That is actually so cute :/
He seems kinda naive babe, but I guess that's not a bad thing. Do you really want someone who's been fucked up? <3

DariFace said...

hmm. i kinda do, yeah. someone fucked up and experienced who ignores me or someone who likes me, is unexperienced and texts me all the time :/ i'd go with the fucked up one, as stupid as that is.