Tuesday 26 October 2010

Fuck this bullshit, it's time for smiles.

earlier, my friend text me asking me if she should stay with her boyfriend.
obviously i have no right to answer this, one because i don't know him well enough to make an informed judgement and two, because i have no idea how he really makes her feel.
so i told her: do what makes you happy, regardless of what other people think.

you just have to.
sure, the odd cry gets out the sorrows, but people who get upset for days on end over little things need to CHILL THE FUCK OUT. it's ok!

You. Are. Happy :)


Sarcasmic Ross said...

Woah, I hate those texts. My repsonse is normally:
"I can't just give an advice for a situation like that. You know him/her far better than anyone and it's your choice."
Or those words adapted for the situation.

DariFace said...

yeah that's basically the way it went. Wasn't annoyed at her in the slightest like, just made me sad that she didn't even know her own mind or feelings to make the decision herself, that makes me sad. hmm :( relationships are bastards.