Tuesday 12 October 2010


the best friend, I talk to through text alone.
the boy, i'll probably never see again. even if I did, I wouldn't remember his face.
the coffee shop has closed down, empty.
the cd is most likely lost or broken, like everything else i've given to him.
and the boyfriend.. who at the time gave me everything I wanted, and treated me just how I wanted to be treated, changed. so did I. and we diminished over the months. grew tired. finally we reduced ourselves to nothing. are we just bodies to each other now?


shannie said...

baby, lives not so bad.
there will be just one day when it makes it worthwhile to feel so shit and worthless. one day of complete joy is worth this. and i know you know this <3

DariFace said...

i guess, it can only get better from here.. it's just sad to think of how fast things can get sucky. that was less than a year ago, and i was so fricken happy all the time then. bleh!