Monday 25 October 2010

monster in my tummyyy.

euggrhhh. i am freaking out.
see i've had this really crazy pain that comes and goes in my tummy for like three weeks now.
I didn't think much of it at the start, but it's got like all the time.
i've never had a strange pain. i've only ever had sore throats and stuff.
i've got an appointment wednesday but i was talking to my mate matthew today and he TOTALLY freaked me out. plus i've been looking up my symptoms and all signs point to: not good.
i'm hoping for the best but thinking the worst.


Alga Coho said...

seriously, i hope youre alright :( <3

DariFace said...

AHH. no, i don't think so. i think i would know :/ been feeling like nauseated at some things too, and i was reading up on all these symptoms and ectopic pregnancy was one, that's to do with the pill aswell and has the same symptoms. ideally it would be growing pains but i'm not sure :/ really starting to get quite scared about it, its sore right now. it's like constant.