Tuesday 4 August 2009

Sporty Spice? Colourful Spice? Maybe Just Daryl.

(8) Well I don't want just a girl to fool around with.
Well I don't want just a girl to ball alright.
What I want is a girl that I care about.
Or I want nothing at all.
Picture this: I'm walking with my girlfriend
28 misguided souls combined say, "We're moving in"
There's a certain kind of girl that you care about so much
You say, "I don't care what you guys do to me, but her, DON'T TOUCH!" (8)

Hey friends.
whoa i feel super duper weird today.
im in a crazy baggy t-shirt mood...

ohmylord know what i did?
don't get excited it's not that great. I just didn't go into work. i'm sick of their incompetence. It's supposed to be a fucking proper establishment and they haven't a single clue how to run their business.
i'm not handing in a stupid notice again, like last time.
i'm just not going back.
work is never ever worth it if you aren't happy.
work should never make you unhappy, you don't need it if it does.
i don't care about a stupid reference.
i don't even care about capitalising silly little i's anymore.

jeez my back hurts like a bitch! it's so damn sore!

Again. Whatever. Listen to 'tickle me red' by Say anything. it's great. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkWZ-_yMu7o&feature=related

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