Thursday 11 December 2008

Full On Lesbianism

I'm so confused by everyone romantically-wise. Right now I have four men in my life that I do like quite alot. One of which i'm having a "thing" with. Another that I don't know if we're having a "thing" anymore. One is an "ex" and the last..Well, he made some decisions he shouldn't have. I've never had anything with him, but itching to know what it would be like.

There's also this girl Danica who I like =) She's awesome tbh..haven't even met her because she lives in england and stuff, but she's planning to come over. She's great. She was gonna top up my phone yesterday so I could text her, but i told her not to. I would feel bad. But yeah. We have some amazing plans for when she comes over ;) sweeeet.

Sometimes I think it would be easier to be full on lesbian. Men can be so heartless. For instance, I text this guy earlier at 20 to 4. It's now 5.20. And you know..sometimes he doesn't text me back if we've planned something. Even if HE was the one who made the plans!

I don't understand at all, it's not as if i'm expecting an explanation (although that would be nice), but all I want is him to tell me what's happening so that I don't waste my fucking time. Although evidently a one word text is wayyyy too much to ask of someone who has such a "busy" fucking schedule.

There are no good men left. I'm starting to doubt if there were any to begin with. Actually I can't say that. My brother is a good man. My mate ronnie is friggin class. He's totally there for me all the time. I ask him to meet me in belfast and he's there. My shoulder to cry on. I honestly could not be able to recall the amount of times he's listened to me whinge about boyfriends, or annoyed him about getting into music I listen to. Or went to all the shops I want to go to without even complaining. He bails me out of some tricky situations as well..Whoa i don't know where I would be without him honestly. I don't mean this to sound dramatic, but my life would be completely different if he hadn't helped me out that time. I know that for a fact. I owe alot to him. And although he's done all this for me, I never really tell him how amazing he is. He's one of the only people I truly trust, and yet girls treat him badly! I don't get it! Everytime he tells me about some chick who has been a bitch, I feel like actually beating them to a bloody pulp.He doesn't deserve that. I respect him more than I respect anyone in this entire world <3

Can't stop listening to 'delicate' by damien rice..It's so beautiful.

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