Friday 30 January 2009

He's Giving Up On Me

He's not talking to me now.
Because my mate told me that he didn't know im meeting that other guy still.
So I was all "why's it his business what I do?"
And she was like "he really likes you darri. You're messing with peoples emotions"
"So what do you propose I do?"
"Text him and tell him, and if he's cool with that then whatever but at least he'll know"

So I did. He so wasn't cool with it. He said I should have told him at the start, that he would have never went with me if he knew I was "getting back with him"

I told him like ten times we're not fully going out and i'm not committed to anyone. He's not happy. He stopped texting me altogether because my mate told him to "just leave it" because she thinks i'll never change.

I can understand that though, she doesn't want her friend getting hurt, and she thinks i'm using him. I'm not, I think he's one of the better ones. But he's still a virtual stranger. I can't like someone that quickly, and she expects me to. And he likes me far more than I like him...But if he did would he give up on me this easily?

Think not.

Its really bugging me. To have him text me every minute of every day to...nothing.

It sort of sucks. He's one of the better ones. But I have to really like someone before I go out with them..He hasn't ticked all the boxes (yet) So how am I supposed to know?

I don't like rushing into things.

I like when people are respectful towards me. It's what i'm used to, and deserve.

I hate this. I miss talking to him.

I wish he would give me another chance, I told him I was sorry.

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