Monday 26 January 2009

Sex..uality ((Brand New Jones))

(8) So why don't I just save time and reveal now, Cuz sooner or later she'll know the deal.
She'll wonder why the bed jumps so high, when she sleeps at night.
Oh yeah yeah (8)

Ok so friday night, that kiss with C. It was going to come sooner or later, she's a cool girl. Now Mammoth is texting me. He said he's gonna take the piss out of her. So I told him not to, she's just an innocent and it was probably her first kiss with a chick. He asked me if it was mine. I told him it was more like my 8th lmao.. He was asking me who else i'd kissed and it occurred to me that not everybody does this..and he called me a lesbian, he was messing clearly like but I had to tell him i'm not even bisexual.

I would classify myself as "Straight..with a twist"

I wouldn't go as far with a girl as I would with a guy (probably, as the opportunity has only arose with two people, but that was quite a while ago), but the thing is.. I find beautiful things in both sexes. It doesn't mean I fancy girls (bar one), but it's just I can appreciate when someone is special (no matter what gender).

My mates (and I mean mates. people I like and respect, not just some bitches I run about with who don't deserve to be called friends >.> sick of you people) all have gorgeous qualities. Alanna, she's so fucking funny. She has the most amazing figure, she could be a model. She's so pretty too, I wish she'd realise that. There's Amy, she talks about stuff like she doesn't care. But you know she's got your back if anything were to come up. She's actually so thoughtful sometimes, and she sees things other people miss. I don't think anyone appreciates this about her. They can't see past her looks (she's a stunner xD). There's Aisling. Shes so unselfish. I love how indignant she gets about the smallest things. And it makes me smile when she laughs, she's got a beautiful laugh. Natalie, she's so considerate of other peoples feelings. She really tries to see your point of view on stuff and she listens when you need to open up. Ashleigh, she's a born romantic. She's so cute the way she gets, and the way she's so passionate about music.

This does not mean I fancy any of my friends, hell no. I only like one girl. I've only known her like a year or something. I truely love her. She's just so perfect in so many different ways. When she gives me a kiss or if i'm holding her, she feels like the most beautiful and most pure thing on this earth. She's so nice and just so god damn genuine. And she's always looking out for her friends and everything, and she'll be there if you need her.

I think everyone should have someone who thinks the sun shines out their ass.

P.s It was good to see you too... zombie lover ;)

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