Sunday 27 February 2011

I woke up in his arms today and we imagined.

one day i'll live in an apartment somewhere. somewhere everyone has a beautiful accent.

it will have one big room with wooden floors, big windows and white walls that will constantly be re-painted. polaroids will hold the only evidence of the art that existed there. an easel. a computer.

at night i'll sleep on a double mattress on the floor with white sheets. in the arms of an amazing man. in the corner will be a cot. within, a beautiful baby. ours.

This is our dream.


Lioness Without A Pride said...

Oh my. This is my dream, too; only mine's a little different.
It's got to be Paris or Venice, a beautiful loft with the same walls and windows. Only, there'd be no man, and no kid. This is my place, in the world, where I'd have a wall of books, a large pot of water with flowers floating in it, and probably a piano. This is beautiful, I'm happy I bumped into your blog!

DariFace said...

we were thinking paris. like beside the moulin rouge :) even though that street is dirty haha, you ever been there? or dublin :) which would be nice because it's quite close to home but so, so different. i like your flower idea :) and your blog! when i work out how to follow it, i will. (i hate computers, it's phone-blogger time) xo

Lioness Without A Pride said...

Nope, never been to Paris. OR Dublin. But I did visit the UK one summer :D It's beautiful. Edinburgh was my favourite ^^

HAH you want to follow my blog?
!!!!!!!! Thanks so much!!

There's a link right on top of the screen, to the left, on the same row as where your dashboard link is.
Ireallyhopeyoufindit! xx