Friday 11 February 2011

18 going on extinct.

That's it. i'm not a baby anymore.
childhood is over.. how horrible.
i've been mildly depressed for the last few days, switching between "ah i can do what i want now!" and "cuddle me while i play with my toys and watch disney movies" (that's been my boyfriends job lately). and my dad rang the other day too. and he made me really sad. he was trying to get my beauty and the beast things for my non-existant car, and he couldn't find them.

i don't know why this was so depressing. but it was. :/

bye. x


Hannah Marie said...

I know what you mean, I was kinda sad when i turned 16, but 18? it's kinda scary growing up sometimes :/

DariFace said...

just you wait love, totally depresssso time. :L

Matt said...

Don't be depressed, be happy - a hollow statement which rings true of the genuine heart that follows a positive outlook.

Age doesn't matter when you have the presence of mind to transcend the social climbs - to feel, to look, and to push forwards with such conviction that when people think, or make you feel wrong. You stand by your own instinctual constructs.

...when you know in your heart, in your beliefs, that you are justifiably correct - run with it.