Monday 12 April 2010

Be my vampire.

Girl, you don't want true love
True love will rip you open
It'll tear you up.

I wish that every man was as respectful as an old vampire.
Why have things changed so much.


Sarcasmic Ross said...

They haven't changed, there's just a lot more cocks in the world than TV likes to portray.
Wouldn't get them as many ratings if the man was more like most twats and just commented on her tits. Haha.
But yeah... Most guys are dicks :) xxx

DariFace said...

you have a point. it's a shame really.
i like the way you're dissing your own sex. nice one. hahaha xo

Sarcasmic Ross said...

Haha :P I figure at least I'm honest ;)

DariFace said...

honesty. wow. so you don't include yourself with these wanker boys? haha x

Sarcasmic Ross said...

Well I'd say half and half :P Wouldn't say I'm not a wanker but I don't see why guys can't be nice and have to act like twats all the time :P xxx