Friday 2 April 2010


so this is it.
i'm lieing in a bath on a friday night, on blogger on my phone.
no joke.

i spent last night with my newly-single friend. which was strangely really sad.
we reminised about the ex.
i told her about the times she passed out and me and him had adventures.
hell even i was feeling overly-sentimental.

it's hard to see things fall apart.
it's hard to see friends upset.
i hate change and how everyone's unhappy. i hate being on the verge of adulthood.
there's so much i don't understand.


Alga Coho said...

ill admit to you, there was a significant difference when i became 18. and at first, it was scarey leaving being a child behind, but then you see all the things you can do, and oppurtinities. and after that you start to feel happy, and when the stress of school becomes less everyone cheers up. trust me :)


DariFace said...

yeaaah suppose.. jeez i just hate this inbetween age. it's unsettling :/ haha xo