Tuesday 16 March 2010

I don't know what to call this post tbh.

Some things make me
So i was talking to my momma earlier.
We talked about raising kids, and morals.
And i talked about if i ever had my own kids..
the things i'd worry about would be who my children were with.
For some reason molestation came up.
I said things had happened to my friends and "i've learned from them"
So she looked at me.
She knew i wasn't right.
She knew i wasn't happy.
So i told her what happened.
I told her that he wasn't my first.
And she was glad, she's glad my first is not something i will regret.
Thats all.


Alga Coho said...

you okay my dear? i worry you quite a bit you know >.<
chin up :/

DariFace said...

i'm fine now, that's when i couldn't talk to anyone tho, i wasn't ignoring your calls on purpose. je adore you for worrying! you really shouldn't though.. xo