Thursday 21 January 2010


Decided to move this part of my other post to here, so that it can be on it's own and not with that unhappiness.
Because i am happy today.
I read this awesome poem the other day it made me smile. wanna hear it?
I'd like to tell you something.
I hope it won't offend.
But if you weren't my lover,
You'd be my bestest friend.

My asos stuff came, and it was such a lovely present to myself. I opened it up as if i didn't know what was inside (: i bought myself a beautiful lace dress, with see through arms and back, and a full zip down the front. It's fucking gorgeous. AND CARTOON TIGHTS WHICH I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED EVEN WHEN I WAS A KID! ever since i saw them on matilda in Leon, one of my favourite movies ever (:

Here's some thing's i want
A mini one of these (:
This gorgeous urban outifitters necklace. Oh lordy.
An uberly gay/ultra awesome metoyou bear like this one!
This fucking great bracelet. Off this place called punky pins. They do all sorts of amazing stuff tbh. But this is the one me and ciara saw like a zillion years ago in a magazine.
I'm just that cool for remembering.

Jeez i can't think of anything else. Just things i'll never get like a 1989 volkswagon golf. Or a bracelet that says "property of MP" on it. Or a time machine that'll bring me to the end of my A-levels. That i will have passed. And i'll be 18. And very very happy.. maybe :)

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