(8) Everything's gonna be alright, Rockaby (8)
So I felt a bit shitty a few days ago. Because I found out something I didn't want to know and lost faith in humanity.
But you know what? I was sitting on the bus the other morning, listening to Lullaby by Shawn Mullins, and I hadn't listened to it for ages, even though I used to play it flat out. You should listen to it while you read this blog actually, if you haven't heard it. That might be nice. It's not a great song, but it reminds me of when I was little and my momma would play it all the time :)
I like it because he talks through a lot of it and it's hard to sing along to :)
Yeah anyway, I was listening to that on my little country-road bus journey and I was on blogger on my phone (I turned off facebook so I need to occupy myself) and I saw my name, and it was under a post entitled "I. Am. Alone" which I signed off with last time. I read it, and it made me totally fucking happy, then I read Daniels blog and he mentioned me in it too.
And I realised that there is so much more, minor setbacks are just that. My life is not confined to a small town where I live, or the small town I go to school in, Or the slightly bigger town I spend most weekends in. There are people i've never met, amazing people. People I could dance with. People I could listen to music with and sing with. People to drink and smoke with. People to make love with. People to fall in love with. People to hug and people to kiss.
My life will change and mould into something completely undefinable. I am looking forward to the future. This isn't all there is.
The other thing it made me realise is how I started this blog just to get things I was writing out there, I never thought i'd talk to anyone on here, or even read anyone else's stuff, but I have. Shit, i've been talking to Daniel for more than a year (happy anniversary, darling!) and I don't feel like my day is complete unless we talk. And yet i've never put my arms around him or watched a film or seen his face for reals! it's fucking crazzzayyy.
Daniel's Blogs, Alive but not Breathing and Project: ThreeHundredAndSixtyFive
Then I met this awesome free-thinker who decided to follow me one day, she is gorgeous and unique. I highly recommend her awesome readings.
Julias Blog, I Wish I Were British and this post that I like alot.
And Ross! who I haven't got to know very well yet, but kinda hope to as he seems awesomeundooo. he writes this funny little blog and has a sort of alter-ego which is cool, and recently gave people the option to get the right answers to a blog he did, which is like seeing the real him, I sorta love that :) it's well cool.
Ross' Blog, Comical Musings
And my beautiful Shannie, (AKA ross AKA miffy) who is the only person I knew in person before reading her blog. I love reading it because she talks about things I understand and she's full of vintage loveliness. I like her smile and the way she almost knocks me over with hugs. You should have a read.
Shannie's les Danseurs Rubans
She's also multi talented and can do ART wowee! and take beautiful photos and videos like THIS! :) I miss you babe.
I hope you gives have enjoyed this post. I don't do enough long one's anymore.
You guys are fucking kickass.
Here's some picture's that make me feel really happy :)
But you know what? I was sitting on the bus the other morning, listening to Lullaby by Shawn Mullins, and I hadn't listened to it for ages, even though I used to play it flat out. You should listen to it while you read this blog actually, if you haven't heard it. That might be nice. It's not a great song, but it reminds me of when I was little and my momma would play it all the time :)
I like it because he talks through a lot of it and it's hard to sing along to :)
Yeah anyway, I was listening to that on my little country-road bus journey and I was on blogger on my phone (I turned off facebook so I need to occupy myself) and I saw my name, and it was under a post entitled "I. Am. Alone" which I signed off with last time. I read it, and it made me totally fucking happy, then I read Daniels blog and he mentioned me in it too.
And I realised that there is so much more, minor setbacks are just that. My life is not confined to a small town where I live, or the small town I go to school in, Or the slightly bigger town I spend most weekends in. There are people i've never met, amazing people. People I could dance with. People I could listen to music with and sing with. People to drink and smoke with. People to make love with. People to fall in love with. People to hug and people to kiss.
My life will change and mould into something completely undefinable. I am looking forward to the future. This isn't all there is.
The other thing it made me realise is how I started this blog just to get things I was writing out there, I never thought i'd talk to anyone on here, or even read anyone else's stuff, but I have. Shit, i've been talking to Daniel for more than a year (happy anniversary, darling!) and I don't feel like my day is complete unless we talk. And yet i've never put my arms around him or watched a film or seen his face for reals! it's fucking crazzzayyy.
Daniel's Blogs, Alive but not Breathing and Project: ThreeHundredAndSixtyFive
Then I met this awesome free-thinker who decided to follow me one day, she is gorgeous and unique. I highly recommend her awesome readings.
Julias Blog, I Wish I Were British and this post that I like alot.
And Ross! who I haven't got to know very well yet, but kinda hope to as he seems awesomeundooo. he writes this funny little blog and has a sort of alter-ego which is cool, and recently gave people the option to get the right answers to a blog he did, which is like seeing the real him, I sorta love that :) it's well cool.
Ross' Blog, Comical Musings
And my beautiful Shannie, (AKA ross AKA miffy) who is the only person I knew in person before reading her blog. I love reading it because she talks about things I understand and she's full of vintage loveliness. I like her smile and the way she almost knocks me over with hugs. You should have a read.
Shannie's les Danseurs Rubans
She's also multi talented and can do ART wowee! and take beautiful photos and videos like THIS! :) I miss you babe.
I hope you gives have enjoyed this post. I don't do enough long one's anymore.
You guys are fucking kickass.
Here's some picture's that make me feel really happy :)

You. Are. Special.
darling, happy anniversary, i'm reading this slightly drunk, but it still means a lot, i loves you you know? and you mean the world to me. come visit me soon <3
:) meow! i will! and we'll do those things. hug and and watch films and i'll see your face hahaha :) la la la
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