i'm really impressed by how legendary he is.

i went to the formal last night, but i don't really wanna write about it yet.
i'll write about it when i find pictures, and piece together the parts of it i've forgotten.
i was watching scrubs the other day, and JD had a list of things he wanted to do before he turned 30.
then i was listening to this song, and i was like... hey i should write a "20 things before 20" list.
yano, give me something to work towards. what else am i doing lately.
so listen to the song and have a read. i have a feeling you will be impressed. and want to write your own list. link me if you are legend enough to do this.
- work somewhere where i actually get a good discount and a christmas bonus. like topshop. or new look. the only thing i've ever got was an impulse set from an employer who would rather pretend to care by wrapping up a 3 pound set than actually give you a bonus. sneaky.
- get with a jehoviahs witness, its seems like a bit of a challenge.
- get busy under water.
- go to an outdoor festival, complete with mud and dope.
- learn to drive, and buy dream car. something that looks like it's out of a bad 80's cop drama, that makes noise when you start the engine, and has an unusual quirk that'll get ya nervous going for M.O.T. add a lil drama. will they notice the back door is aways jammed and i have to crawl through the back seat to leave in my shopping? or pass me on that lil wink i just gave the depressed test guy?
- go on a road trip, overcome fear of not washing for more than a day.
- do a really bad karaoke in a club. preferably a gay one, where transvestites force me into it. i always regret not taking that up.
- properly chat up a girl and buy her a drink.
- do 20 shots in a row, preferably outside Custom house square, on the pavement, with ciara. film this.
- attempt to live with someone outside my family for more than a week.
- get a piercing, and a tattoo
- shave some of my hair. maybe an undercut just, with something like "rabbit" shaved into it. throw everyone off guard when i wear it up. that would rock.
- get a romantic interest to buy me a little cute bracelet, that's like the only present i've ever wanted to recieve from a dude.
- sleep under the stars, or at least try.
- flash someone.
- kiss someone deadly looking in the pouring rain.
- go out to dinner with someone cool and actually eat infront of them. get over this fear of eating, daryl.
- be in a band. even if it's a shit one.
- drink to the point of not remembering anything the next day. like Dude, wheres my car and The hangover.
- come back to this list and tick off everything i've done
that's me done for now.
peace out homies. xx
this is totally better than anyone elses "lists to do before..." i like the underwater one (Y)
Daniel x
this is amazing.
cheers :) x
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