(8) Fell in love with a girl
I fell in love once and almost completely
She's in love with the world,
But sometimes these feelings can be so misleading
But sometimes these feelings can be so misleading
She turns and says "are you alright?"
I said "I must be fine cause my heart's still beating"
"Come and kiss me by the riverside
Yeah, bobby says it's fine
I said "I must be fine cause my heart's still beating"
"Come and kiss me by the riverside
Yeah, bobby says it's fine
He don't consider it cheating now" (8)
What a shitty day it is today. I need a job or something. Dad rang this morning, woke me up. He's got something for my birthday or something, I dunno. I'm probably gonna have to collect it or something.
I really want perscription lenses in my geeky glasses. I wonder how long it's been since my last eye test? Virtually blind like. Die.
I love my new dress. I can't wait to wear it on friday it's so cute. I'm gonna wear it with my new leather jacket and my punk heels. The ones with cute pink skulls on them. Hell yes.
James rang this morning! Yay! He's such a legend, I told him about how every time I ring his house his dad is a dick to me and I've given up. I really miss james. He's coming up next sunday we arranged, or i'm going up to his. I hope I'm going up there, I love his house. And we sleep up in the attic which is pretty awesome. Some Pics of me and James (:

Having an awesome MSN convo with an ex..well sort of.
SmileBuck.. I've had some shit ones like
Reckless Abandon.. Shit meets?
Reckless Abandon..Like..? I hope you don't mean me
SmileBuck.. No! You were great ;)
Reckless Abandon..Cheers.
SmileBuck.. Like frosties
Reckless Abandon.. What?!
SmileBuck.. They're g-g-g-reat
Reckless Abandon.. You fucking legend.
I realised something else today. Men are idiots. Like COMPLETE idiots.
You tell them that when you say something, you might not neccessarily mean it. 2 weeks down the line and they believe you. What did I say before? Gawd.
When you're a bitch to them or ignore them they fucking love you. When you're nice to them they hate you. There's no way to win. (meaning all the guys I don't like think i'm great and the ones I have any interest in seem to not give a shit-useful)
And it's like when they're not using you, they're fucking trying to. That's what I took from last night.
I love these guys (:

(8) A half mast commute through umbilical blisters
Spectre will lurk
Radar has gathered
Midnight nooses from boxcar cadavers (8)
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