Here's 25 useless facts about me. To copy my mate, as mine will be far better ((:
1. I'm obsessed with my phone. I pick it up like every 10 minutes just to check it. It's a curse.
2. My bedroom is tiny and filled with pink and black things and different forms of lights.
3. I believe that there are different ways for someone to be attractive. Someone who is sexy doesn't neccessarily have to be gorgeous. For instance.. Brendon Urie is gorgeous. He has amazing eyes and awesome lips. But I don't find him as sexy as..the likes of Robert Downey Jr or Dominic West, who don't have perfect features but are oh-so-desireable (:

4. I can only have the volume on my T.V up to a number that ends in 0, 2, 5, 8 and sometimes 9 but I can have them on a double digit (like 33).
5. Although I like movies like fight club, pulp fiction and donnie darko, my all-time favourite is Beauty And The Beast which I shamelessly know every word of.

6. If my brothers feet touch me anywhere I have to wash that place. 3 times mostly haha.
7. Oh and I don't like feet. Even my own.
8. If I was a singer I would sing "Black Math" by The White Stripes at every gig. It would be amazing to perform.

9. I prefer Videos to DVDs and actually tried for ages to get Beauty and the Beast to get it on video because I stupidly lost the one my dad got me 9 years ago.
10. I'm very rarely on time or anything. And was once unintentionally 20 minutes late for my own birthday.
11. One of my favourite lines in a song ever are "Sitting closer than my pain. He knew each tear before it came" (Sorrow by Flyleaf)
12. Outside the UK, I've been to Austrailia twice, Amsterdam twice, France, Tenerife and Prague. I don't like travelling very much. But Amsterdam is the sex, I could live there.
13. I was born in England. In a place called Burnley. I don't even know whereabouts it is, and have no interest to find out. I'm just glad we moved to ireland before I got an accent.
14. My friends from the antrim area think I can't talk properly. Some of the words they tease me about are meal deal (me-al de-al), Pocohontas (po-ca-haaan-tiss), orange (arr-nge) and their new-found favourite Lasange (las-on-ya).
15. When I was a kid I used to get up every saturday at like half 8 to watch The Wedding Singer. Like EVERY saturday. The trend ended when I got to about 10 and my brother taped over it.
16. I don't believe in love at first sight, and that people who say "I love you" within 6 months of seeing someone is a liar.
17. I was never baptised and am athiest.
18. I'm Pro-choice. I hate Pro-lifers.
19. When I was like 4 or 5 I was in a charity shop with my mother and brother and there was this sponge crocodile type thing in this basket and I didn't have any money so my brother (who was about 10 at the time) spent 10p out of his pocket money to buy me it. It was one of the nicest thngs anyone's ever done for me. "Croc" has remained the only soft toy I love. He sleeps in my bed every night ((:
20. I've had my head split open 5 times on different occasions. The most memorable being when "spacer" from across the interface threw a brick at me. I was 9. He accidently blew himself up about a month later because he held on to a petrol bomb he was about to throw over to our area for too long.
21. Mint and tea tree is the sexiest smell ever. Closely followed by Black XS perfume, then Fresh Garbage (shop in belfast)
22. My favourite album of all time is " a real boy" by Say Anything.

23. The My Chemical Romance concert was one of the best nights of my life and at the time I was a bigger fan than I am now, and was totally amazed to see Gerard Way. He actually spit out over the audience and i'm convinced my black skinnies still have some Gerard Spit on them-Hell Yes.

24. I haven't seen my dad in 3 years, and before that I hadn't seen him for 4.
25. I usually believe that men are bastards and are "Only good for one thing"
But i'm starting to change my mind...