Monday, 30 November 2009
The First <3
i really did.
Like i wanted this to be a picture blog.
But nothing fits.
I tried to put lyrics in too,
I can't find them either.
What is it that i want to say at this point?
I am happy.
I am complete.
You told me that you're mine.
I didn't write back.
I'm telling you now,
I am yours.
I love you.
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Nutella on top please.
Instead of heating up soup, we ordered in two curry half and halfs.
For dessert I scooped out some vanilla ice cream, my bro got out a rolling thingy and starting beating the life out of a packet of cookies, then continued to cut up a banana and add it to the dessert.
We mutually brainstormed when we seen the nutella.
It just had to go on.

Oh! and I ended up getting those awesome texts I wanted, the kind that you wake up to at 4 o'clock in the morning, and don't think it's real..
I think maybe he had a near death experience, or was high, or just got hit on the head, that's how cool they were.
Lovin' life!
Outties xx
Sunday, 22 November 2009
We are not afraid of you grown-ups!
But i am IMMENSELY happy, i'm lovin my new job! :)
I'm lovin talkin to daniel, you are ace.
I'm lovin new followers! welcome, ellis and the_blanga_is :)
lovin life for the win !
Conversation of the day
miss dowds.... O'driscoll i love you =D says:
i just fully came thinking about you
boner or wah
Hey Daryl. Wantin a bitta Gavshmexx says:
miss dowds.... O'driscoll i love you =D says:
i know you want me so bad
Hey Daryl. Wantin a bitta Gavshmexx says:
i do
miss dowds.... O'driscoll i love you =D says:
come sit on santas lap
Hey Daryl. Wantin a bitta Gavshmexx says:
thats sick :L
Friday, 20 November 2009
Im in love. I have found my dream car.
Thursday, 19 November 2009
breathe. breathe. don't hyperventilate.

"Nothing that's worth having in this world comes easy"
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Pretty In Punk

was basically just an ace night.

Saturday, 14 November 2009
Robert Smith Vs. Dracula
i'm really impressed by how legendary he is.

i went to the formal last night, but i don't really wanna write about it yet.
i'll write about it when i find pictures, and piece together the parts of it i've forgotten.
i was watching scrubs the other day, and JD had a list of things he wanted to do before he turned 30.
then i was listening to this song, and i was like... hey i should write a "20 things before 20" list.
yano, give me something to work towards. what else am i doing lately.
so listen to the song and have a read. i have a feeling you will be impressed. and want to write your own list. link me if you are legend enough to do this.
- work somewhere where i actually get a good discount and a christmas bonus. like topshop. or new look. the only thing i've ever got was an impulse set from an employer who would rather pretend to care by wrapping up a 3 pound set than actually give you a bonus. sneaky.
- get with a jehoviahs witness, its seems like a bit of a challenge.
- get busy under water.
- go to an outdoor festival, complete with mud and dope.
- learn to drive, and buy dream car. something that looks like it's out of a bad 80's cop drama, that makes noise when you start the engine, and has an unusual quirk that'll get ya nervous going for M.O.T. add a lil drama. will they notice the back door is aways jammed and i have to crawl through the back seat to leave in my shopping? or pass me on that lil wink i just gave the depressed test guy?
- go on a road trip, overcome fear of not washing for more than a day.
- do a really bad karaoke in a club. preferably a gay one, where transvestites force me into it. i always regret not taking that up.
- properly chat up a girl and buy her a drink.
- do 20 shots in a row, preferably outside Custom house square, on the pavement, with ciara. film this.
- attempt to live with someone outside my family for more than a week.
- get a piercing, and a tattoo
- shave some of my hair. maybe an undercut just, with something like "rabbit" shaved into it. throw everyone off guard when i wear it up. that would rock.
- get a romantic interest to buy me a little cute bracelet, that's like the only present i've ever wanted to recieve from a dude.
- sleep under the stars, or at least try.
- flash someone.
- kiss someone deadly looking in the pouring rain.
- go out to dinner with someone cool and actually eat infront of them. get over this fear of eating, daryl.
- be in a band. even if it's a shit one.
- drink to the point of not remembering anything the next day. like Dude, wheres my car and The hangover.
- come back to this list and tick off everything i've done
that's me done for now.
peace out homies. xx
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Remembering Sunday
Convo with roisin about shoes.
miss dowds.... says:
Hey Daryl. Rois is a buck says:
miss dowds.... says:
Dont wear them
Hey Daryl. Rois is a buck says:
shuddup loserface
miss dowds.... says:
Ull get cooties..
only jokin ciaras a babe an a half
What u at then?
You slabbbbbbering =)
Ill knack yee out..
With hugs!
Hey Daryl. Rois is a buck says:
i love that
quote of the day.
miss dowds.... says:
Haahaaa sweeeeeet =)
Ur my 'babe of the day'
Hey Daryl. Rois is a buck says:
i have an intense love for u baby.
miss dowds.... says:
Yayyyyyy! Haha dude my date with josh is on friday 13th haahaa x
Hey Daryl. Rois is a buck says:
so's my formal!
Good start for me an josh lol
Say what u want about me but modern warefare 2 if omg brilliant says:
talk about penis envy ' mines is 12inches , mines is 13 , ive got a tatoo on mines ..... ooooooooo nice '
big penis' are overrated.
Say what u want about me but modern warefare 2 if omg brilliant says:
aint that music to my ears lmao oj
im pretty sure im like at the normal size for my age
Hey Daryl. Rois is a buck says:
good, glad to hear ur normal
apparently 5-7 inches is average.
for what age ?
Hey Daryl. Rois is a buck says:
im guessing 18
Say what u want about me but modern warefare 2 if omg brilliant says:
it better be
Hey Daryl. Rois is a buck says:

These are beautiful lyrics, make me happy.
Oh, I can see now
That all of these clouds are following me
In my desperate endeavor
To find my whoever, wherever she may be
I'm not coming back, I've done something so terrible
I'm terrified to speak but you'd expect that from me
I'm mixed up, I'll be blunt
Now the rain is just washing you out of my hair
Monday, 9 November 2009
eugh. choices suck out my life.
Today i realised that you cannot keep control of everything, all the time, no matter how hard you try.
I cannot control the people who have some kind of a superiority complex.
I cannot control the fact that i am no longer the smartest person..
I can't help that i feel i'm growing apart from people, so fast that it's hard to remember who exactly i'm growing apart from...
I can't make my teacher tell me what to do, fuck it, she doesn't even know.
I can't control the way i feel this very moment.
I can't control my urge to throw everything away, to start over once again.
And follow my heart, rather that these stupid, stupid rational thoughts.
I want to be happy again, i hate that this school is making me change as a person. I have to do something.
Saturday, 7 November 2009
The End Of Nothing
That my heart is in a pretty disorder
And you should know..
That in my heart you fill every corner
I really give up.
Friday, 6 November 2009
17p doughnuts and 13p water.
I found out my formal date is buying my ticket, he's like the most soundest guy ever.
He said he's getting my momma chocolates and me a corsage :)
I hope he gets me a nice one.
An old friend of mine mentioned my favourite flower casually in conversation last week
and i was like woooow.... what?
and he'd remembered from like ages ago.....
that really touched me like....
Formal date brought me to tesco's today (my mate bought such cheap food... if i was ever a hobo i'd try to live in tesco's toilets and just buy baked beans and bottled tap water) and thankfully he's a good driver.
I dragged my friend along, and she was stuck beside this absolute babe.. like he was one of the first people i noticed in that school. she didn't really see it until she had a dream about him.. and her opinion changed.
Then he started moaning at me because i hadn't acknowledged him on the bus, he said i always ignore him so i'm gonna make an effort.
I really wanna know what the craic is with him, i heard he like won't kiss anyone until he knows he's gonna marry them.
That's a strong belief if i've ever heard one i tell ya.
well's gonna go here.
was gonna see if The Dude wanted to meet up, but if he doesn't i think i shall just go with the formal date to get his outfit. bless him.
Welcome! new follower Gaby.
Thanks for the love people.