What's with the strange tan chest/white face thing? whatever, great camera I have =/
What else? Oh yes. My friend. My friend is going through a strange thing with her boyfriend. It's making me a little sick. HE'S making me a little sick. Why complain that she's "selfish" ? If she just doesn't really DO material things? They don't matter to her. She's sarcastic, yes, but that's one of her best qualities. It's not to be spiteful, it's her sense of humor. And what really annoys me is that he KNEW this!
He KNEW before he started seeing her
And saying that people have told him he can do better. Like fuck. Why do people change all of a sudden. Whatever.
Ok so another thing, went into town yesterdayyy to give my mother her folders because she left them at home so I got the freakin bus and all this shizz then she kept me waiting for ages then I went off for a while and then I needed her to collect me and she was all 'I'm busy' and I took a freak out at her and got really pissed that i'd given up my whole day for her and she was so ungrateful so I had to seek refuge in the library toilet and then ended up takin shit out on other people it turned out to be a pretty shitty day
But then I learnt how to work the ice cream machine..
without fucking up!
So I can like do almost all work related things now! too bad i'm finding a job elsewhere =/
Hmm and this guy came in I used to know and I was like whoa awkward it's been ages, but didn't talk to him or anything that would have been rough. So I ignored his stupid gaelige (gealige?) ass..
Then I was thinking about some other things and realised
I think with my
non existant
Anyway Noodlebear's doingg fine.. except she isn't used to my hand and stuff, that makes me nervous
outties! P.s check out ciara ! http://davetheninja.blogspot.com/ she's uberly awesome and funny (:
The end is like an add to my blog pahahah..
kinda like prostitution:/
advertising me:/
haha love you bovril xoxo
or were u marmite?:S
Yes i'm pertty sure i was bovril (:
I know i m such a pimp ;)
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