(8) And you still weren't home when I dialed up the phone in the evening
So I'm twiddling thumbs and I'm wondering whats this Im feeling
I may be strong below the belt But not with what I thought and felt
That blissful night I knelt.. Between your legs.. Between our heads.. Between our hearts
I was a faker before you.. I was a faker before you.. (8)
I'm reading this book He's just not that into you and I honestly cannot put it down (well just to blog and check emails) I started reading it a few hours ago and i'm on my last pages, it's written mostly by this guy Greg Behrendt who is just pretty damn awesome. Aine told me the movie changed how she thought of men (I don't really know if I wanna watch the movie) the book is doing just fine. It's like so good. I would recommend it.
It just makes so much sense, everything he says is true, I love it (: here he isss

And then I realised.. Some men are really good writers about things love-related. Has anyone read Jeff Maysh's monthly page about women-y stuff in company magazine? WHAT A LEGEND!
He wrote this really good bit called 'Sex shouldn't need gimp-suit accessories' and I liked this paragraph especially..
"my fetish is for my own, naked girlfriend and I fancy her in my old T-shirt that she wears to bed. I'm not boring-i'm just not a wierdo. Sex shouldn't be a costume drama or a rollercoster ride. Just two humans, naked, with only your imaginations flying like the waltzer. Scream if you wanna go faster"
And then I was reading Glamour magazine and this guy Sam Leith wrote a column on sex when you're falling in love...
"Sex with someone you aren't in love with feels like a promise you mutter under your breath, not sure if you can keep it. It bugs you. You're in bed together, but you're not in the room together, not exactly."
He concluded beautifully about sex when you're falling in love.
"This is sex where you can meet each other's eyes, where you can feel anxious to please rather than under pressure to show off, and where afterwards it's bliss to fall asleep together curled up. It is sex as an act of affection and of exploration and trust. It's sex as a promise you can keep."
That always makes me smile so much.. (:
And obviously, Max Bemis (my hero) is a beautiful songwriter. You just hear his songs and think 'Whoa I know exactly how he feels'. I GUARANTEE that you will smile if you hear this song. It's so cute.
I guess that's me done for now. All i'm going to say is. If you've found someone that you love, don't let it go until you absolutely have to. And ok this isn't what he's just not that into you is saying. But I guess i'm just an optimist when it comes to relationships. I always believe someone is better than they really are, I make excuses for them, that book made me realise that (corny as that sounds). If you really love someone. Really love them- you won't care what everyone else thinks of that person. because only you know how you feel. You could love the biggest asshole ever- but maybe you like that?
Just... If you truly love someone it doesn't matter how ugly they are. How much older or younger they are than you. How fat or thin they are. Only you know. Don't let anyone tell you who you should or shouldn't love.
i always always have the worst habit of being naive with people i fall for, i become 100% blind to their flaws cuz they make me feel happy, and it hurts for the short term but i think its good and bad, cuz either i end up spending time with someone whos really not good for me, or i give second chances out like theyre free and eventually the second chance is going to be worth it :) i remain hopeful!
i really liked this post!
so give the drunk guy a chance?:) xx
this is the best post ever daryl:)
it's so true though.
and, the movie is shite.
it will make u hate the book xo
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