(8) Did I disappoint you?
Or leave a bad taste in your mouth?
Or leave a bad taste in your mouth?
You act like you never had love..
And you want me to go without.. (8)
And you want me to go without.. (8)
I'm in a negative mood now. Dammit. So i'm going to write about things I hate, for good measure.
I hate beds that are just too warm.
I hate beds that are just too warm.
Hugs that lack feeling, meaning.

People who use excessive amounts of exclaimation marks. In their coursework. I counted 27 on 3 pages. Take some out fuck sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (haha) How did you get an A?
The fact we haven't talked for a while, so I see you yesterday and you can hardly look in my eyes. You're nervous now. What happened to us being comfortable around each other? I miss those days in the summer.. How close we were then.
Drink. Why is it that the truth always spills out. Deepest thoughts no-one should hear. Open, bare, gone. Mystery has dissappeared.

Songs that hold memories. Why is that Amie always make me remember? Why did they have to play Breakaway at her funeral? God I miss her so much. Becks babe I wish i'd paid better attention. I wish i'd told you how much I love you...
Alway being late for everything.
Being weak, and doing what people say. When did I stop being strong?!
You talking. You never shut up. You're not that skinny anyway, so stop saying it.
Cute couples. I want to be sick. No-one is that perfect. Stop pretending.
Not being able to be normal around you anymore. Why didn't I realise you felt that way? Now I can't relax. What are we supposed to do now? Things will never be the same between us. God Damn.
People smoking around me. Stop it, I want one. But you have wrinkles around your eyes, you look unhealthy.
Curly Haired Dude, I wish I'd known then what I know now. I never would have discussed him with you, I would have kept my mouth shut. I wish you'd have told me how you felt, Instead of getting upset for reasons I didn't understand. I lost such a good friend. How long's it been now? A year? Two? And yet I see you every day. You're so close. So touchable. I wish we would just talk to each other again. I guess we're both more immature than we'd like to think. Still.. I don't want to leave without being cool. We could have had an amazing friendship. Maybe more. It's gone. But believe me, I haven't gave up.
Do you remember the way
I held your hand under the lamp post and ran home?
This way, so many times I could close my eyes..
People who don't like this (Y) or this (N). It's just the way us MSN gays roll, homie ;)
My brother's new nickname for me. "Wu" as in.. "Wu-Tang Clan" HAHA dean you're funny! ... >.<
The compass in my bedside drawer.

People who are ignorant about music. Just because it's rap doesn't mean it's bad. Just because it's N*sync doesn't mean it's shitty pop. You just haven't given it a chance. So STFU. You think you know everything. All genres can have good and bad artists. EMBRACE N*SYNC!
Heroic blog.
Fucking love you.
If this blog was any more emo it would kill itself.
Fuck sake girl, catch yourself on.
Thanks Aaron xD Ur the best :)
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