I won't be your winter.. I won't be anyone's excuse to cry

Whoa.... you would. I was saying how beautiful she is and he was all.. "She's got a cute wee nose too like someone I know" Then he pushed back my fringe and he was like "You're beautiful"
Umm sweet much.. Corny.. But awesome. It's been so long since someone said that me.. Well and I've believed them..
So yeh I left he gave me this awesome bandana.. It wasn't entirely random.. It had a connection to a conversation we had a while back.. And yeah it was a cracker day.. He waited til I got my bus and got the next one to Derry after. I thought that was really considerate ((;
Ronnie stayed last night too! Was good funnn.. We got caught up.. Went into work and he bought an ice cream and tights for me (why do I rip EVERY PAIR?!) the retard didn't charge us for the tights.. I bet the bosses have looked at the tapes and they're totally gonna take that out of my wages or something (Another thing.. There are like 5 cameras in the shop.. AND THREE OF THEM ARE AT THE CHECKOUT.. Like actually.. I get it if someone robs us or something.. But it makes me feel really un-trustworthy or something.. I'm sure they don't even trust their staff like WHATTT).. Anyway we hung out in the graveyard for a bit and then walked up the road n had a wee chat and took photos..
After we watched "The Orphanage" It had so many faults.. Too many to say. I don't even want to attempt a review of it. It really annoyed me. Ok I'll do a small one. (I might spoil it so If you want to watch it.. don't read this haha)
So the old lady.. what the hell? It didn't scare me the fact she was in the shed. You'd push her and she'd fall over fuck sake that's not scary.. Then she was declared dead.. Then conviently came back for all of two seconds to scare the mother who's name I didn't bother to learn as the story didn't seem to be going anywhere. Half the movies plot was the children from the Orphanage basically messing up the mothers life after her son's dissappearance. For some reason she had huge steel rods in her store room.. WHY WOULD YOU NEED THEM? So okay the kid gets trapped in this little room.. She hears banging on the wall.. And yet she sends all these fuckoff sea boats because she's convinced her son is in a cave.. And when she hears a clear banging on the wall she doesn't even investigate.. she takes the most complicated route to find her son. (which included converting her house into the state it was in when she was a child and having dinner with five or six dolls) RETARD. Plus she's literally lived in that house her whole life HOW COULD SHE NOT KNOW THERE WAS A BASEMENT? And why didn't the stupid kid just scream for help? The whole supernatural side of it was completely unneccessary. Euugh. Where's the need? And yeah whatever It might be worth watching for the creepy mask which really did freak me out.. That one shot was awesome when the kid freaked out. Emotionally scarring. Everything else was shite.
I just came across the wierdest band i've ever heard.. They're called "The Bella Cullen Project" and write songs about things that have happened in the twilight Saga..
Yes I like the books.. i'm reading Breaking Dawn atm and don't want it to end..But honestly.. Obsession.. There's a line that you cross.. Those guys clearly have. Bless. It ends up being not just books.. Like a whole fucking cult of young girls who couldn't be assed finding any other books to read and the one with loads of hype they get all freaked out about it because they READ A BOOK. Sometimes I don't like admitting I like stephanie meyers books.. It makes me look like just another impressionable teenage girl. And whats with Stephanie Meyer being into MCR.. Yeah they're good.. But she's like an adult.. I was like wdf when I read that. Here's the band anyway. This made me laugh.. http://www.youtube.com/watchv=UkVt0tKtN9c&feature=related
ANYWAY.. That was a good night. Night before that I was in Aine's.. which was good.. Getting to catch up and all... Rioghnach looks so grown up :0.. I feel like i'm missing her life! I couldn't believe it.. hardly recognised her.. Made me feel quite upset actually )):
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