(8) You Make Alot Of Noise.. For Such A Little Girl..(8)
Some people have so many imperfections you can't even draw them. I swear. Why am I only noticing that now?? ...I wonder..
Jesus I forgot how gorgeous cillian murphy is. Whoa.
Did the leaflet thing yesterday, that was quite cool. Me and jamesy did it. I missed him. Then got ready in his house and then back into town in a class wee convertable. I'd never been in a convertable before but god I want one now. I'm gonna be a shitty driver I think :L well whatever then I met Dillon at City hall. Didn't know Jaysh was comeing too, strange development. C was about too, that was wierd. I didn't even wanna talk to him but he ran over and threw his arms round me and thought he was scaring me. And he was all 'Damn you didn't even scream' and his girlfriend was around somewhere. But I said something and everyone looked at me like I was stupid. I hate when men get together, the arrogant ones. So what if i'm the only girl there. Don't have to be so fucking condescending. Whatever.
Gig was real good. Enjoyed myself. Dil and Jaysh had to leave early though that was a bit shit. I stole Dil's tie too and he put it on me cause I couldn't haha. Fingers wouldn't work. Woke up with it on me along with my Kurt Cobain T-shirt. Whatttttt like.
I like screamed every word when A Plastic Rose came on and the guys thought this was greatly amusing.
This video makes me laugh
Whoa you're so cool for singing about drink. Nah but actually it's quite catchy.
God why does everything feel so wierd these days. I can't even feel comfort with other people. It feels so wrong. It feels disgusting. Screw that.
Ciara said the other day I should be a writer. I don't think I have the patience for that. Then I did my GCSE performing arts. I'll upload that later. And yeah my mum was all 'You should be a singer' and the moderater winked at me after. Another A i'm guessing ;) feckin sweet. I don't know I want to do art too. And direct stuff. Maybe I could like direct movies, that will be adaptations of books i've written, and do artwork for the front cover, and sing you a tune when you buy it! Where i'll be working the till of course. Haha yeahhh sounds good to me.
If you only know how much I love you, love you I won't be your winter.. I won't be anyone's excuse to cry
We can be forgiven.. I will be here (8)
Today was pretty damn awesome.. I met him! And it was so cool.. He gave me this huge hug and lifted me up and then just grabbed my hand and we walked about the place. Good Times man (Y)
And yeah.. we went to the cinema which was good.. Didn't watch much of the movie like (Fast and furious) only the parts when that hot girl's in it.. The girl from lost.. Jesus she's gorgeous..
Whoa.... you would. I was saying how beautiful she is and he was all.. "She's got a cute wee nose too like someone I know" Then he pushed back my fringe and he was like "You're beautiful"
Umm sweet much.. Corny.. But awesome. It's been so long since someone said that me.. Well and I've believed them..
So yeh I left he gave me this awesome bandana.. It wasn't entirely random.. It had a connection to a conversation we had a while back.. And yeah it was a cracker day.. He waited til I got my bus and got the next one to Derry after. I thought that was really considerate ((;
Ronnie stayed last night too! Was good funnn.. We got caught up.. Went into work and he bought an ice cream and tights for me (why do I rip EVERY PAIR?!) the retard didn't charge us for the tights.. I bet the bosses have looked at the tapes and they're totally gonna take that out of my wages or something (Another thing.. There are like 5 cameras in the shop.. AND THREE OF THEM ARE AT THE CHECKOUT.. Like actually.. I get it if someone robs us or something.. But it makes me feel really un-trustworthy or something.. I'm sure they don't even trust their staff like WHATTT).. Anyway we hung out in the graveyard for a bit and then walked up the road n had a wee chat and took photos..
After we watched "The Orphanage" It had so many faults.. Too many to say. I don't even want to attempt a review of it. It really annoyed me. Ok I'll do a small one. (I might spoil it so If you want to watch it.. don't read this haha)
So the old lady.. what the hell? It didn't scare me the fact she was in the shed. You'd push her and she'd fall over fuck sake that's not scary.. Then she was declared dead.. Then conviently came back for all of two seconds to scare the mother who's name I didn't bother to learn as the story didn't seem to be going anywhere. Half the movies plot was the children from the Orphanage basically messing up the mothers life after her son's dissappearance. For some reason she had huge steel rods in her store room.. WHY WOULD YOU NEED THEM? So okay the kid gets trapped in this little room.. She hears banging on the wall.. And yet she sends all these fuckoff sea boats because she's convinced her son is in a cave.. And when she hears a clear banging on the wall she doesn't even investigate.. she takes the most complicated route to find her son. (which included converting her house into the state it was in when she was a child and having dinner with five or six dolls) RETARD. Plus she's literally lived in that house her whole life HOW COULD SHE NOT KNOW THERE WAS A BASEMENT? And why didn't the stupid kid just scream for help? The whole supernatural side of it was completely unneccessary. Euugh. Where's the need? And yeah whatever It might be worth watching for the creepy mask which really did freak me out.. That one shot was awesome when the kid freaked out. Emotionally scarring. Everything else was shite.
I just came across the wierdest band i've ever heard.. They're called "The Bella Cullen Project" and write songs about things that have happened in the twilight Saga..
Yes I like the books.. i'm reading Breaking Dawn atm and don't want it to end..But honestly.. Obsession.. There's a line that you cross.. Those guys clearly have. Bless. It ends up being not just books.. Like a whole fucking cult of young girls who couldn't be assed finding any other books to read and the one with loads of hype they get all freaked out about it because they READ A BOOK. Sometimes I don't like admitting I like stephanie meyers books.. It makes me look like just another impressionable teenage girl. And whats with Stephanie Meyer being into MCR.. Yeah they're good.. But she's like an adult.. I was like wdf when I read that. Here's the band anyway. This made me laugh.. http://www.youtube.com/watchv=UkVt0tKtN9c&feature=related
ANYWAY.. That was a good night. Night before that I was in Aine's.. which was good.. Getting to catch up and all... Rioghnach looks so grown up :0.. I feel like i'm missing her life! I couldn't believe it.. hardly recognised her.. Made me feel quite upset actually )):
I'm surprised that you've never been told before..
That you're lovely!
And you're PERFECT!!
God I love that song.. You should listen to it.. 'FNT' by 'Semisonic'
Or is it the other way around?
Well i'm proper excited today (: I'm headin to Aines later which should be good.. Then Ron is stayin on Tues and then it'll be wednesday and the wait will be over..
It may be stupid that i'm getting so worked up about this.
But I don't know, I have a real good feeling.
And we were talking all last night. He's really sweet. And he rings all the time.. I really like when guys do that (:
eugh I want it to be wednesday now.
On another note, has anyone seen the Love sexy magic video wih JT and Ciara?
Well watch it now homies.
To be honest.. Ok I don't care if people dance sexily and shit, It shows women are confident and happy with their bodies. AND THEY SHOULD! the female form is the most beautiful thing on earth. But come on. This is taking the piss. 1.17 to 1.35 is disgusting. It would be slightly sexy if he was degrading himself as well. But no, he's just sitting there looking all above it like he couldn't really give a shit. AND I LOVE JT! He's awesome, I'm a long term fan. And I respected Ciara when she sang 'Like A Boy'
(8) If I was always gone, hit the sun getting home.. Told you I was with my crew when I knew it wasn't true.. If I act like you, walked a mile off in your shoes.. Messing with your head again, dose of your own medicine.. What if I had a thing on the side, made you cry.. Would the rules change up or would they still apply.. If I played you like a toy? Sometimes I wish I could act like a boy (8)
What happened to this woman who was powerful and the song I turned on when I felt like shit about a guy. WDF DUDE. Why isn't JT the one writhing about? At least he can look seductive, she just looks stupid. DAMMIT CIARA. And I hate when women complain about being treated like objects. NO SHIT SHERLOCK IF THERE'S PEOPLE LIKE THIS IN THE MEDIA DOING THIS CRAP?
(8) They loved her fancy underwear. Every boyfriend, every year.
She tried to keep `em entertained. When they can hardly remember her name.
She did everything she could just to. To make him love and treat her good.
She found herself alone. Askin` herself where did she go wrong.
She didn`t realize. She chased the type of guys.
That don`t believe in ties.(8)
I quite liked today. It was nice, ordinary. I went out with my family.
Had coffee.
Bought a lamp (or two).
Got pushed down the back of ikea's storage room, by my brother, who convinced me a zombie would come out and eat me. I was scared. And I was wearing my pumps! I couldn't even grip the floor! Tried helplessly to hang on to a big metal thing. Totally didn't work.
Ooh I got pumps too, mine but only in white (:
I was wearing a summery dress, which looked funny when it suddenly started raining, and I ran. I like to embrace the rain most times. I like getting caught in it. But I didn't want to ruin the dress.
Oh god am I turning into one of those people?
Then went to Belfast Castle, which brought back alot of memories.
I found flowers on the floor, someone had picked them ): bad times. So I saved them and brought them home. I'm only going to keep them today though, and scatter them in the garden later. I don't want to watch them die.
Fascinating new thing. Get beside me. I want you to love me.
I'm surprised that you've never been told before...
That you're lovely and you're perfect...
And that somebody wants you.
I'm surprised that you've never been told before...
That you're priceless and you're precious...
Even when you are not new. (8)
Last day today thank godd... I go back to school on the 20th then.. What.. I get off around the 8th of may, something like that. Jesus that's well scary. That's not long at all!
I wonder if i'll miss that school. Hmm.
I took the day off yesterday, that was good. I went to belfast to go shopping.. Tried to get Dil out cause I was up near his house but he wasn't awake. Lazy fecker. And ronnie. He was gonna come down after school because he was having a half day but I told him to leave it. Sooooo I tried on a load of shitee..
I liked this dress so much! I wanted to get it but I just thought.. Meh cause I have too many fricken casual clothes
So I blew ALL OF MY MONEY on this dress. Because it's so fabulous. And I can't wait to wear it!
I actually love it.
So yeah.. Dillon. We were talking about Zombie Apocolypses :)
I was all .. So yeah what would you do if there was a zombie apocolypse?
Dil Herpes.. Kill them. With baseball bats and such of course. Dar Sex Hair.. Head, legs, arms or torso? Dil Herpes.. Head. Torso if I had a chainsaw. Dar Sex Hair.. Good plan :) What if I was bitten? Would you kill me right away or wait until was a zom? Or would ye keep me in the shed like in Shaun of the dead? hahaha Dil Herpes.. Definately keep you in a shed and feed you lol Dar Sex Hair.. Dude you'd have to feed me flesh. That wouldn't be nice. Dil Herpes.. Nah see i'd take up serial killing to keep you
LMFAO I wanna hang outttt with him again. He asked me to come give him a hug the other day but I was already on my way home. Whoops. Gettin him up to the house soon, should be good. Because randalstown is just that fun.
I love Say Anything obviously.. Since they're my favourite band. I don't know how I feel about Max's new band though :/ That other guy's voice doesn't mesh well enough with Max's. Guess that's the idea. "Two Tongues" .. Like the mixture or contrast? Fuck that, I still love Max regardless.
This video is just like.. Whoa. Hypnotizing.
Guy's name is Barry Pilling. Absolute genius.
Gawd I have things to DO over easter >.>.. and beyond!
Pink party at The Ramble still an option. 8-2am But could ya be arsed?
Also.. that crazy girl Aines house.. who I haven't seen in like two years. With Annmarie. Yes/No.. I don't know. Bus to Portglenone at half 6.. Or Annmaries Bf's car. 10th.. Ciaras Birthday.. Dinner, then back to hers. Hope it goes well :/ 12th.. GO:AUDIO... The limelight. Might go to this.. if people will get money and come with me! why does everyone blow their money on going on shitty nights out to shitty bars. 14th.. Work. 6-8 <- CANCELLED! what the hell. I need money.
17th.. Rehearsals 12-3 Get your voice.. And confidence out. Pleaseee. 18th.. Leaflet job in Lisburn again? Maybe.. 21st.. Work.. 6-8
May 2nd.. A Plastic Rose (and those other two haha) Custom House Square.. Looks amazing. 28th.. The Maccabees, Spring and Airbrake. With Ronnie. 18+ :( I NEED A FAKE ID! OR A CONSENTING ADULT! So does Ronnie. If he goes it'll be his first gig! How cute.. ANYWAY I need to see them. And their amazing-ness (see video above)
Ooh Charlie Brooker's on :)) Late night with Dean it is then. byes losers..
Funeral For A Friend. Drive. "So tell your father that, That you're mine and I'll swear. We'll run away and I'll make a plan and save. Everyone from themselves"
Nine Inch Nails. Something I Can Never Have. "You always were the one to show me how. Back then I couldn't do the things that I can do now. This thing is slowly taking me apart. Grey would be the color, if I had a heart."
Aerosmith. Crazy. "You're packin up your stuff. And and talkin like its tough. And tryin to tell me. That its time to go. But I know you aint wearin nothin underneath that overcoat."
Flyleaf. Sorrow. "Left alone with only reflections of the memory. To face the ugly girl that's smothering me. Sitting closer than my pain. He knew each tear before it came. Soon he will perforate the fabric of the peaceful by and by."
McFly. Bubblewrap. "Did I mean nothing at all? Was I just another ghost that's been in your bed? This is the last time, I give up this heart of mine."
Say Anything. Alive With The Glory Of Love. "Beneath the wormwood, ooooo, love me so good…They won't hear us screw away the day. I'll make you say: 'Alive! Alive! Alive with love, alive with love tonight…'"
Lil Wayne. Action. "I say ohh girl i love you so oh ohh girl i love you so SIKE! I don't give a fuck about a dog ass hoe" (The way he says it is fucking hilarious.)
Coldplay. A Rush Of Blood To The Head. "Stand here beside me baby in the crumbling walls. Oh Im gonna buy this place and start a fire. Stand here until I fill all your hearts desires.Because Im gonna buy this place and see it burn. Do back the things it did to you in return. "
Avril Lavigne. Too Much To Ask. "Thought you'd come around when I ignored you, Sorta thought you'd have the decency to change. But babe I guess you didn't take that warning, ’Cause I'm not about to look at your face again."
Paramore. My Heart. "This heart, it beats, beats for only you (Please don't go now, please don't fade away)"
Paramore. Brighter. "Well this is not your fault, But if i'm without you then I will feel so small."
You Me At Six. Always Attract. "That night I slept, On your side of the bed so, It was ready when you got home. We're like noughts and crosses in that, Opposites always attract."
(8) Did I disappoint you? Or leave a bad taste in your mouth?
You act like you never had love.. And you want me to go without.. (8)
I'm in a negative mood now. Dammit. So i'm going to write about things I hate, for good measure.
I hate beds that are just too warm.
Hugs that lack feeling, meaning.
Coursework. Even though i'm almost done (yay)
People who use excessive amounts of exclaimation marks. In their coursework. I counted 27 on 3 pages. Take some out fuck sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (haha) How did you get an A?
The fact we haven't talked for a while, so I see you yesterday and you can hardly look in my eyes. You're nervous now. What happened to us being comfortable around each other? I miss those days in the summer.. How close we were then.
Drink. Why is it that the truth always spills out. Deepest thoughts no-one should hear. Open, bare, gone. Mystery has dissappeared.
Songs that hold memories. Why is that Amie always make me remember? Why did they have to play Breakaway at her funeral? God I miss her so much. Becks babe I wish i'd paid better attention. I wish i'd told you how much I love you...
Alway being late for everything.
Being weak, and doing what people say. When did I stop being strong?!
You talking. You never shut up. You're not that skinny anyway, so stop saying it.
Cute couples. I want to be sick. No-one is that perfect. Stop pretending.
Not being able to be normal around you anymore. Why didn't I realise you felt that way? Now I can't relax. What are we supposed to do now? Things will never be the same between us. God Damn.
People smoking around me. Stop it, I want one. But you have wrinkles around your eyes, you look unhealthy.
Curly Haired Dude, I wish I'd known then what I know now. I never would have discussed him with you, I would have kept my mouth shut. I wish you'd have told me how you felt, Instead of getting upset for reasons I didn't understand. I lost such a good friend. How long's it been now? A year? Two? And yet I see you every day. You're so close. So touchable. I wish we would just talk to each other again. I guess we're both more immature than we'd like to think. Still.. I don't want to leave without being cool. We could have had an amazing friendship. Maybe more. It's gone. But believe me, I haven't gave up.
Do you remember the way
I held your hand under the lamp post and ran home?
This way, so many times I could close my eyes..
People who don't like this (Y) or this (N). It's just the way us MSN gays roll, homie ;)
My brother's new nickname for me. "Wu" as in.. "Wu-Tang Clan" HAHA dean you're funny! ... >.<
The compass in my bedside drawer.
People who are ignorant about music. Just because it's rap doesn't mean it's bad. Just because it's N*sync doesn't mean it's shitty pop. You just haven't given it a chance. So STFU. You think you know everything. All genres can have good and bad artists. EMBRACE N*SYNC!
Dear june, words cannot describe how much I need you..
From our little walks..to our little talks..
I'm a little shocked..and I need to dock..
These feelings that I hold inside..from movie scenes..to goodnight dreams..
Without a doubt..just think about the F U T U R E
I hope that you believe..fershure i'll never leave..we'll stick like super glue..
Dear june, I love you. (8)
I'm amazed at technology. A guy on msn has a "Ustream" and hes like on cam LIVE. It's like.. wow you're live.. and talking to me.. but we're not directly connected, like msn. What thee hell. Plus he has curly hair. That's cool. Check him outttt and find technology enlightenment! (If you're a tard like me when it comes to computers, since I'm late with everything computer related. I can type. And use photoshop. That's it.) http://www.ustream.tv/channel/sythen
I want to write music. I should learn how to play an instrument! Hmm.. I'm not patient enough for that. I think.
I'm never drinking again. I hope I keep to that. I only find myself in trouble when i've been drinking. Silly girl.
And I can always find her..
At the bottom of a plastic cup..
Drowning in drunk sincerity..
A sad and lonely girl
And now it seems that things get around. My "friends" are fucking back-stabbing me. NO WONDER I'VE AVOIDED GIRLS FOR THIS LONG. Females are bitches. Men are upfront, they don't hold grudges. I fight with a guy, he'll tell me to fuck off. Or vice versa. Two seconds later we're laughing again. Because there's no sneakiness. No judging.
It actually makes me laugh that if it had happened to anyone else.. My mates would have been all like "omg are you okay?" but because it's ME and they know my history they're all like "omg did you hear what daryl did? slut."
Well whatever it's probably something like that.
God love Amy, she can't keep her mouth shut. But you can tell she's the least bitchy one. Think that's why I like her. She's genuine.. honest.. loyal. Qualities every REAL friend should have.
God no-ones trustworthy anymore. I can't wait to leave school. I can't wait for everyone to fucking grow up.
And she said, "I think we're running out of alcohol
Tonight I hate this fucking town
And all my best friends will be the death of me
But they won't ever remember, remember
So please take me far away
Before I melt into the ground
And all my words get used against me"
You sad and lonely girl.
Me and Amy gave out leaflets today. In lisburn. It was sunny, so we did alot of.. sitting outside a coffee shop lazily and not so much "getting the message out."
There was really only two memorable people. One guy who I've seen around belfast. I gave him leaflets and he goes "thanks.. BITCH" and threw them on the floor. What a spoilt little stupid man. Maybe he was just being ignorant.. Or maybe he remembers the time I called him a sleezy skrote for asking a girl I was with to take off her top. HAHA. Creep. He was with a girl, too. Would you ever stick around with a guy who was really cheeky to other girls? It would make you think what he's be like after you broke up like..
Then an old guy who pushed amys arm out of the way! WDF! if you don't want a leaflet just SAY so! Jesus. What's wrong with people. Assault wouldn't be in it.
I feel quite unattractive recently. I want my confidence back.
(8) You don't have to speak because I can hear your heartbeat
Fluttering like butterflies searching for a drink
You don't have to cover up how you feel when you're in love
I'll always know I'm not enough to even make you think (8)
I write shit blogs tbh.
My coursework is shit too. Well he's sending it off as the best, but that's not really good either. If my school was smarter i'd probably be the lowest. If I hadn't went to that school, someone else would be first. I'm pretty sure people hate me for this.
I don't care if people hate me. It's a strong emotion.
I wish people felt strongly about other people more often.
It's like the whole world's just said "Meh"
Indifference is horrible.
So is Apathy.
Yet i'm apathetic AND indifferent.
What does this make me?
I heard this thing on the tv the other day. I don't know what was on, I wasn't listening. I wasn't even watching it. White noise would have been more interesting.
"A relationship without pain is a relationship not worth having."
It made me think of... a million things.
It made me think of my ex..
It made me think of all those guys.. Who I could like but nothings there. They're too easy.
Easy. What a disgusting word. My mother called me it yesterday. Not directly, she didn't mean it to hurt me. But it really got to me.
Again. I hate double standards.
Bleh. Just back from the cinema anyway. Watched Haunting in Conneticut. There were things in it like zombies! Only they didn't eat people, they were just all like DEAD but ALIVE and they had no eyelids and like writing scratched into them everywhere. I wish I had a picture, but I can't find one. This will have to do.