Tuesday, 27 October 2009
favourite arcade.
so im going to write this with no stupid lyrics, no stupid metaphors, just like it is.
i've been seeing my "boyfriend" on and off for like a year and a bit..
yet we've only been offical for not even a month.
and in this month, i have seen him like...three times?!
all three times i have went to him.
in this month, he has stood me up like.. three times.
so he's stood me up the same amount of times i've seen him.
what i'd like to know is, what have i actually got out of this month?
i've got collectively like seven hours of happiness with him.
he doesn't text me unless we're making plans, so i haven't had those little awesome times either when you get a text that makes you smile and you feel loved, nope, haven't had that.
thinking about it, he doesn't even text me when we ARE making plans.
the bottom line is.. i can't see other people, and i can't see him either? im basically single, but not allowed to see anyone.
self esteem is like this much *holds thumb and finger apart*
it's not that we don't have a great time when we're together, and i do love him, but i'm starting to wonder if this is the right thing.
personally i think people should have equal amounts of respect for each other, take turns in visiting each other, and WANT to see each other, in a relationship. clearly, i have none of these things.
i just want him to show me he loves me. right now he's just another guy.
Monday, 26 October 2009
Hey.. HEY.. don't you give your heart away.
Hello kelly are a really good new band i just discovered, definately check them out. http://www.myspace.com/hellokelly
I'm still in a bad mood.
I starting to wonder about exactly how much respect he actually has for me, if he can't even let me know what he's doing. fuck it. Eugh i'm sick of it like.
I'm starting to doubt myself.
Whatever. Getting back in touch with paulie, i realised quite recently that i've abandoned people that meant a hell of a lot to me, i've been selfish and cold. I'm gonna get them back into my life.
I can't believe i've acted this way.
Welcome, new follower daniel coogan :) check him out, he's cool :)
Saturday, 24 October 2009
Best not be fucking with the best prom ever.

(urban outfitters, £60 and topshop £130)
but unfortunately my money hasn't came through yet, and i'm not working until christmas time. eughhhhh...
Monday, 19 October 2009
To The Formal I Say!
Check out that crazy mask me and rois found on the way home! AHH MARKSIES ARE WIERD.
Quote of the day-
Friday, 16 October 2009
Monday, 12 October 2009
Sunday, 4 October 2009
A kiss..
I like this guy's tattoos :)

I like this. It's a nice way to kiss. I like the way their bodies are

Ah ha! a loophole :)
Saturday, 3 October 2009
Legend Lifetimes.
Sing it loud and clear
I'll always be waiting for you (8)
Oh and he made me waffles. I love him.