(8) I wanna rock with you..
All night..(8)
What an amazing night last nightt... headed to thee ramble with Ciara Karla and Catherine. Spent most of the night with Catherine, we had such a legend time. Running around shouting 'Tall guy' trying to find the dude that stole her glasses lol and then everyone started getting texts saying Michael Jackson had dieddd wdf :( So we ran around telling peeps it wasn't sad at all cause we'd been drinking. Next day I woke up and was like Whoaa.. God that's sad :(

Anyway there were a few bad times last night like. B was there along with loser rumor guy. Fuckerr. So B called me over a few times and we were talking and shit and we went outside for a while which was fine but he seemed nervous lmao and I was like 'are you ok?' and he was all 'yeah i'm fine' and I was like 'you seem distracted' and he was all 'yeah i'm supposed to be busy like' so I was like jeez ok and we went back in so he could take pictures again.

So later on, Karen lost her best friend and she had her phone off and we were all really worried. I just kept thinking that the same thing that happened to me last time was happening to her or worse so I was looking all over for her. Finally found her and I was like 'dude where were you? Karens freakin out, your phones off and everything' and she like giggled and said she was outside and I was all 'who with?' and her eyes flickered over to B and I was like.. 'This guy?' and she started giggling again like a retard and I was like Wdf man tell karen where you fucking are and she said something to B and they both walked off.
AGHHHH I was ready to fuckin slap her. Karens runnin around freakin out thinkin her mates been kidnapped or something and she just fucking giggles. Piss off.
Men. And. Stupid. Girls. Annoy. The. Hell. Out. Of. Me.

On that note.. Last week me and Ciara were bebo creeping people and I was checking my picture on this guys page and checking out the comments because i'm normal like that and I seen this comment that said 'hey husband' or something and I was like what the hell so I looked on hers and he was leaving her all these comments like 'how are you Mrs ---------' and 'hey wifey'
Who does this? That's our private joke! Who shares a freakin private joke with more than one person. I'm not even annoyed because we were like romantically involved, I would fully be pissed off if a friend did that aswell. If Cait started singing romantic songs in other peoples faces and holding them i'd be like dude that's ours.
I can't even be assed, but this shitt gets to me. I'd rather hang out with someone who says what they really feel be it bad or good rather than a melter who talks bullshit all the time.
I knew it I knew it I knew it.
Here's some highlights of the next day (:

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