There's this website I really like called, it's so awesome. But if you're white you suck, so I made Cute Boy do a couple. These were the last photos of me being 17 :( EVER. damn.

Haha, this actually goes against everything he stands for, it's so funny. but he know's it makes me happy. and he's adorable.
I liked this one because he was so busy looking at me that he didn't notice me taking a photo :)


So for my birthday/valentines day, we met on the train which was cool. Then the train messed up and we had to get off early, so we ended up walking past this BEAUTIFUL restaurant that i've always wanted to go to, and even though it was ultra expensive, we went in and made a reservation :) Then we went to the disney store, ahhhh and he bought me a stitch toy! I got him a toy story wallet. It was legend. He took me to the cinema and we watched TANGLEDDDDD which was so amazing :) I didn't even care that I cried infront of him. He held my hand the whole way through and cuddled me and stitch, it was lovely.


This was valentines day itself! we went to cafe nero's and had melty chocolate cake. He also bought me a rose on the way down, which was sooo awesome. I didn't even ask, I was just looking at them, and he was all "daryl.. you want one of those?" :) i was like YAY. and see those glasses? yeah he BROKE them. my legendary glasses. we were at the hotel, and he PICKED ME UP and threw me on them! then he tried to fix it and it snapped off. so i was blind for like 20 MINUTES, AHH. then he bought me new ones :) he's keeping them so that people will know he's mine, la la.
anyway. I hope you guys had a killer valentines day. I've still gotta do a response to shannie, i will get on that soonish :) she's amazing!
ps, 30 followers? wowza. i love you guyssss :)
You. Are. Romantic.